Interview Nine: Emma Jeffrey

Tell us some things about you...
I live in Auckland, New Zealand where I've lived all my life. I love to read, travel & spend time outdoors and nothing makes me happier than spending time in the mountains, especially in Wanaka. I'm very close to my parents and I'm lucky enough to see them at least once a week as they only live 10 minutes away from me. I'm an intensive care pharmacist and my favourite part of my job is solving puzzles relating to obscure infections (I'm aware this is quite niche!), and in my spare time recently I've been trying to get my first research paper published.

What is your favourite thing to do for you, daily?
Movement in some form or another. Some days this is at the gym, others it's just my short walk to work. Walking up Mount Eden is one of my favourite loops from home, or along the waterfront. I go to a dance class sometimes which is lots of fun.
Something you live by (or aim to live by)?
Something you live by (or aim to live by)?
There are a few things that come to mind here... one of them is 'comparison is the thief of joy'. It's not exactly the most uplifting but it's really quite thought provoking. Being conscious of this helps me catch myself on a regular basis and reminds me to reflect on just how lucky I am.
What’s up next for you?
What’s up next for you?
I'm moving to London with my partner next month! It's exciting and scary and there's a lot that's unknown but it's an adventure I'm ready for. We're doing a few months of travel before we settle so I'm particularly looking forward to that as I haven't taken much time off work in the last few years. It's tricky to register as a pharmacist in the UK so I'm in the process of figuring out what else I can do. I'm hoping to get involved in some research! Watch this space...

What L’aura the Label piece do you love / wear the most? Why?
I really love wearing my Enya Wrap Dress in olive. I first wore it to a wedding and have worn it so many times since. It's comfortable, easy to wear and is perfect for all sorts of occasions.

What L’aura the Label piece do you love / wear the most? Why?
I really love wearing my Enya Wrap Dress in olive. I first wore it to a wedding and have worn it so many times since. It's comfortable, easy to wear and is perfect for all sorts of occasions.

What drew you to L’aura the Label at the beginning?
The wonderful founder Laura! I've known Laura for most of my life & we spent a lot of time together in our final year of school creating a dance production. I liked the label as it clearly has a focus on slow, ethical and sustainable production. I had no hesitation as it meant I also got to support a friend!
The wonderful founder Laura! I've known Laura for most of my life & we spent a lot of time together in our final year of school creating a dance production. I liked the label as it clearly has a focus on slow, ethical and sustainable production. I had no hesitation as it meant I also got to support a friend!
IG @emmajeffrey3